Saturday, November 5, 2011

Doctor Who

Before you read anymore, you need to put on your 3d glasses and prepare for some extreme nerdy-ness!
As alot of you know, my latest tv show obsession is a BBC Sci-Fi called Doctor Who. The Doctor and his assistant travel through time and space in the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space). They are currently filming the 11th doctor (Matt Smith), and every doctor is a different actor. Instead of getting older, they regenerate when they change actors which means they change appearance and personalities. They also each own something called a "Sonic Screwdriver". They can unlock things, scan for different alien species, check for damages and such. I THINK that every doctor's sonic screwdriver varies, but I'm not sure. But they are NEVER ever ever used as weapons! I actually got one for use in my Halloween costume (see the last pictures in the post! :) ) I need a better picture, but this is the best I have. This is from the night when I got it. :D
 Below I've typed up a list of all 11 of the doctors and a few things I know about them! :D check it out!
This is the first doctor :D He is played by William Hartnell from 1963-1966
This is the second doctor. He is played by Patrick Troughton in 66-69. From the little I've seen of him, he is DEFINITELY my favorite from the oldies :D

Here we have the third doctor played by Jon Pertwee! He's probly the one I've seen the most, and I must say he's the most serious of all the doctors! He starred in it from 1970-74.

Here is the fourth doctor who is played by Tom Baker from 74-81. His signature thing was his HUGE scarves he wore constantly. Lots of fans have made replicas of them which I think is REALLY cool! (Is it just me or are they getting younger?)
(drum roll please) AND HERE IS THE 5TH DOCTOR!!!! He is played by Peter Davison who is this amazing actor who was also in one of my mom's favorite shows called "All Creatures Great and Small". I still cant't help but  call him Tristan! He starred in the years 81-84.
This is the 6th doctor (Colin Baker) who I've never really heard of or paid much attention to. (I've actually never seen him before. I have failed my mission as Whovian. oh dear) He was in the show during 84-86.
And This is the 7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy). Again, I feel like a failure of a Whovian because I don't know hardly anything about him either! No clue whatsoever. Except that he was in the show from 87-89, and was also in a movie in 1996.
And here is the 8th doctor (Paul McGann). He was in a movie that was based on Doctor Who, and was kind've trying to be a kick-off of the new show that didn't really work. Or something like that, not quite sure. :) This movie was filmed in 1996!
 And here is Christopher Eccleston! He is the 9th doctor from 2005. He was the 1st doctor in the newer kick off and he was only here for one season. Seeing as I've only seen one episode in this season, I don't know that much about him. But I know that his companion's name is Rose Tyler. She is my VERY favorite Companion :D

(very dramatic drum roll) AND HERE I MUST PRESENT MY FAVORITE DOCTOR! The 11th doctor! He is the BEST of all of them (in my opinion). He was with the show from 2005-2010. He had 3 companions all at different times. Rose Tyler for his first season, Martha Jones and Donna Noble. :D
He is definately my favorite of all the doctors!!
And here I present to you the current Doctor (11th). He has been in the show from 2010, and is still filming episodes. Sadly, a few weeks ago he announced he was leaving the show at the end of the 2013 season. NOT COOL. I'm going to miss him, but it is quite exciting in imagining who will be the next doctor!

Also, this is my brother and I dressed as Doctor Who and Amy Pond (the 11th doctor and his companion)!
Here are some pictures I took:


one last thing... 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Iona's Tween Girl Daybook Day 1

Hi! :D I did this on my old blog, originally from Iona's blog, and it's alot of fun. I was bored, so I thought I should start this :D I'll post a new one from time to time to keep you updated! :)

Date: Tuesday, 10/18/2011
Starting time: 8:25
Mood: Sleepy but happy! :)
Outside my window: Crickets and the moon
I was just in: the dining room
I'm thinking: About this post... XD
I'm reading: A Christy Miller book
I'm listening to: Lights, an Owl-City-Like girl singer :)
I'm wearing: Owl City shirt, jeans, and a pair of invisible socks
I am also doing: Tweeting?
Yesterday, I: DID SCHOOL. WOW.
I'm excited for: My next crochet project! :D a ginger bread house.
I'm sad because: I don't think there's anything I'm sad about right now...
I'm hungry for:  NOTHIN I just had dinner. :)
The song stuck inside my head is: Saviour by Lights which is what I'm listening to...
I want: Journey to Fearless DVD, the Taylor Swift Fearless DVD :O
I love: My Daddy :)
This week, my goal is:  TO RID THE WEEK OF SCHOOL WORK (sigh... if only it was friday)
Ending time: 8:29

That was fun! :D  I hope you enjoyed it :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Celtic Thunder

Hey!! As you know, I have many different music tastes. Taylor Swift, a little of Keith Urban, Band Perry, which is Country, Owl City which is like pop and electric, and Francesca Battistelli, Britt Nicole, Superchick, and Mercy Me which is Christian Contemporary. Plus, I still love good old fashioned music. Such as hymns, folk songs, and classical songs.
 One of my very very very favorite I have not mentioned above is a more traditional, mix of genres. Most of the fans are pretty much adults because they sing more of the older songs. Some of their songs are originals, some are covers. Some are instrumentals, some are solos, and some are the various voices mixed together. With the operatic tenor, the dramatic bass, and all in between, they come together for a very unique sound. They sing familiar songs like "Puppy Love", and "Surfer Medley" which consists of "Surfing USA" and many other old surfing favorites. They have dramatic songs like "You Raise Me Up" and very fun songs like "Young Love".
  Below I have embedded some of my favorite songs that are up on youtube.

and here is a very funny one! :) If you watch this, you must watch it all the way through! :D

and here is a VERY amazing gorgeous song in Gaelic. This song is so touching and is just so gorgeous.

Thank you so much for reading!! Have a great day <3
LoVe LoVe LoVe

Friday, October 14, 2011

From the Shepard's Point of View...

Hey! I found this on my best friend's blog. Her name is Sarah, and she's really awesome.  :D if you want to follow her, please click here. Thanks! :D These lyrics have helped me alot. She showed them to me while we were chatting, and they've really guided me. God is THE way. THE light. He is the only one who can save me from my sins, the only one who can keep me from death, the only one who can protect me from Satan. If you have the time, please read the rest of this post. It would really mean alot to me, and maybe it will help you too. God bless you <3

You were standing on the mountain, holding to the shepherds hand. The valley you’d just came through was hard to understand. Then the shepherd draws you closer, there’s something he wants you to see. And he points back to the valley, and unfolds it’s mystery.

As the eagles soar around you, and you look back on where you’ve been, one by one he answers questions that he did not answer then. He now shows you the danger of going your own way; all those roads you thought were better would have led your soul astray.

He reminds you of that moment when you could not make it through. Now you see one set of footprints where he reached down and carried you. As your tears fall on his shoulder and you thank him for his love, he says “Child, i knew that one day you’d see this valley from above.”

Things look different on a mountain from a Shepherd’s point of view, standing high above the trials that He brought you safely through. All the valleys, disappointments, will never look the same to you, for things look different on the mountain from the Shepherd’s point of view.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dr Who, Owl City, Crocheting, and Hoe-Downs!

Hey!! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting on this blog very much. I was really excited when I first made this blog, but I haven't gotten around to posting on it that much.... or not at all...
Well, quick update. My newest obssesions-Owl City and Dr Who. DAVID TENNANT FOR THE WIN! and I love Owl City more than ever now! :) btw, I wrote this as a draft earlier, and since then I have been replied to BY THE MR ADAM RANDAL YOUNG ON TWITTER!!!!!! Here is the picture....

I love owls (DUH), Crocheting, and knitting! last week I finished this huge blanket I crocheted for a family who was adopting a little girl from China at my church. :D Now I'm Working on a blanket for my new baby cousin. It's made of 4 squares each of 5 colors. You sew them together and it makes a blanket! :D I'll post a picture of it soon! :D

Next is the Hoe-Down. :D Last night I went to this hoe-down truett held at a near-by Christian Camp and some of the faculty and staff's kids were there. I went with my friend Gideon and her family :) it was alot of fun... here's some pictures (I didn't take these, they were taken by some photographers who go to Truett)

These are some couples I thought were really really cute :) Sadly, the family I went with wasn't in any of these,  so I couldn't post any of anything I did, but that's ok :D I still think there are really really cute.
I've also gone to Ridgecrest, NC recently for a weekend. It was beautiful, and very fall there. It was very cool and all the trees were beautiful and all colorful! Here are some of my favorite pictures I've taken....
This is a picture of Daddy reading his Bible on our back porch on our apartment thing we had :D
And here's a picture of Daddy looking out a porch in a different part of NC :D

and this is a Panorama  I took at the same place :D

And here are my new converse!!! :D My next new obssesion... :D
Well I should go... Thank you so much for reading!!! :D
love love love forever and always <3

Monday, February 21, 2011

Welcome! :D

Hey There!
Please allow me to intoduce myself. My Name is Ima Virginia, I'm 12 years old, and I'm a GiGaNtIc fan of Cute Owls, Taylor Swift, Twitter, My Pets, and My Friends. <3

LoVe LoVe LoVe
FoReVeR & AlWaYs <3
~Ima Virginia