Saturday, November 5, 2011

Doctor Who

Before you read anymore, you need to put on your 3d glasses and prepare for some extreme nerdy-ness!
As alot of you know, my latest tv show obsession is a BBC Sci-Fi called Doctor Who. The Doctor and his assistant travel through time and space in the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space). They are currently filming the 11th doctor (Matt Smith), and every doctor is a different actor. Instead of getting older, they regenerate when they change actors which means they change appearance and personalities. They also each own something called a "Sonic Screwdriver". They can unlock things, scan for different alien species, check for damages and such. I THINK that every doctor's sonic screwdriver varies, but I'm not sure. But they are NEVER ever ever used as weapons! I actually got one for use in my Halloween costume (see the last pictures in the post! :) ) I need a better picture, but this is the best I have. This is from the night when I got it. :D
 Below I've typed up a list of all 11 of the doctors and a few things I know about them! :D check it out!
This is the first doctor :D He is played by William Hartnell from 1963-1966
This is the second doctor. He is played by Patrick Troughton in 66-69. From the little I've seen of him, he is DEFINITELY my favorite from the oldies :D

Here we have the third doctor played by Jon Pertwee! He's probly the one I've seen the most, and I must say he's the most serious of all the doctors! He starred in it from 1970-74.

Here is the fourth doctor who is played by Tom Baker from 74-81. His signature thing was his HUGE scarves he wore constantly. Lots of fans have made replicas of them which I think is REALLY cool! (Is it just me or are they getting younger?)
(drum roll please) AND HERE IS THE 5TH DOCTOR!!!! He is played by Peter Davison who is this amazing actor who was also in one of my mom's favorite shows called "All Creatures Great and Small". I still cant't help but  call him Tristan! He starred in the years 81-84.
This is the 6th doctor (Colin Baker) who I've never really heard of or paid much attention to. (I've actually never seen him before. I have failed my mission as Whovian. oh dear) He was in the show during 84-86.
And This is the 7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy). Again, I feel like a failure of a Whovian because I don't know hardly anything about him either! No clue whatsoever. Except that he was in the show from 87-89, and was also in a movie in 1996.
And here is the 8th doctor (Paul McGann). He was in a movie that was based on Doctor Who, and was kind've trying to be a kick-off of the new show that didn't really work. Or something like that, not quite sure. :) This movie was filmed in 1996!
 And here is Christopher Eccleston! He is the 9th doctor from 2005. He was the 1st doctor in the newer kick off and he was only here for one season. Seeing as I've only seen one episode in this season, I don't know that much about him. But I know that his companion's name is Rose Tyler. She is my VERY favorite Companion :D

(very dramatic drum roll) AND HERE I MUST PRESENT MY FAVORITE DOCTOR! The 11th doctor! He is the BEST of all of them (in my opinion). He was with the show from 2005-2010. He had 3 companions all at different times. Rose Tyler for his first season, Martha Jones and Donna Noble. :D
He is definately my favorite of all the doctors!!
And here I present to you the current Doctor (11th). He has been in the show from 2010, and is still filming episodes. Sadly, a few weeks ago he announced he was leaving the show at the end of the 2013 season. NOT COOL. I'm going to miss him, but it is quite exciting in imagining who will be the next doctor!

Also, this is my brother and I dressed as Doctor Who and Amy Pond (the 11th doctor and his companion)!
Here are some pictures I took:


one last thing...